
Thursday, February 04, 2010

The View Ahead

I've been reading through Corinthians as of late. And the the Bible never fails. I mean, I have read Corinthians before, but it is just like the Bible to reveal to me new truths from the same passages I've seen before. And the other day I was stunned by several revelations.

1 Corinthians 13 speaks of love and the way of love. The majority of people have heard it quoted in their lifetime; either in a marriage ceremony or seen it on a picture framed piece of artwork found at a Kirkland's style store. Love is something each of us has to work on daily. But the passage that jumped out to me was the 13:8-13. Paul speaks about growing up in the faith and putting away childish thinking, childish talk, and childish ways (Yes, we all act like this at times). He talks about what we see and know in the "partial" and that the when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. The only thing we can really see now is the partial of what God is doing all around us. The scripture says, "Now I know in part, then I shall know fully, even as I have been know." What got me excited was the fact that one day, the day the believer enters into the presence of God, we will fully know the story of our lives and circumstances, just as He knows them now! All the questions and struggles we face or don't understand, will come to light from the view of a loving and mighty God.

Remember, we typically can only see what is directly in front of us, and what is behind us. That means we have to trust Him for the unknown of the ahead, and learn from Him what He has taken us through in the past. Leaving us with the hope and joy of knowing that one day, "we will know in part as He knows fully!

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