Just finished two weeks of basketball camp with Rolando Lamb,
America's Character Coach (www.coachlamb.webs.com), at Cool Spring Church Rec Center.
This camp focuses on the "Making of Champions." Designed to teach basketball skill development and character, it was amazing to watch kids grow from the first day to the last. From first graders to ninth graders, (boys and girls) they learned endurance, perseverance, and finishing the race. For many, they were challenged with new physical exercises and basketball skills. And some struggled. For me, being a part of this camp as a worker and parent, reminded me of the difficulties this world brings and how the weaknesses of my life wants to give in to not enduring or persevering. But in the end, when we have endured, the prize is great. The joy of celebration for those kids as they were presented with character awards, certificates, and camp shirts, made it all worth it. They walked away with a better understanding of who they are and who they can become - a champion.
"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14.