
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Darkness Was Upon Us

Ok, so I think I have about exhausted the weather sayings and this one will conclude them. But I needed to mention something about the darkness that we have experienced.

Many of us, and still others, are experiencing darkness without power due to Hurricane Irene. The kind of darkness that you cannot see your hand in front of your face. Without the local neighborhood lights, the sky glitters with all the stars and it's just dark in some places of Hanover county. Same is true for darkness that occurs in the South Pole for several months of the year. While it's ok early on, it then gets discouraging and depressing for those living in it daily. Darkness can bring about disorientation and isolation.

Recently I have been going through the book of Mark with the assistance of Timothy Keller's book King's Cross. Mark gives us a picture of darkness that occurs at the point of Christ's death (Mark 15:33-34). The Bible speaks volumes about light and darkness (Isaiah 13, Amos 8). Often darkness will occur in our lives when we place our trust and dependency on ourselves and the world around us. When we begin to orbit around everything else - career, relationships, family, money - as the source of our hope, the result will be spiritual darkness. In the Bible we see the picture of the sun as compared to God. The sun is the source of visual truth because we see by it and it is also our source of biological life because without it nothing could live. God is the source of all truth and life.

As you seek direction and guidance in this world, orbit your life around the love that Christ has for you. Avoid the traps of disorientation and isolationism. The darkness of our lives was dealt with on the cross and the curtain was torn. It was a profound event in the history of our world. So profound that the Roman Centurion was the first to recognize and publicly proclaim that this "man" was the Messiah and the divine one. May we come to trust and proclaim the same.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

And the Wind Blew....

This has been an interesting week for those of us on the east coast and particularly in the Richmond, VA area. We have had an earthquake and now Irene, the hurricane that knocked out power for 2 million people in Va.

Having grown up near the beach, I can remember several hurricanes that rolled into the coast and we would ride them out proudly. No way was my father leaving his domain and therefore the rest of us were staying put also. And that mentality has been instilled in me. But this week I learned something: either I am getting older and realizing the potential disaster I never saw my dad worry about or Irene was more than we could handle. I think it's a combination of both.

Through it all this week, I am thankful for:
  • safety and protection
  • power being back on, but also thankful for power being off and putting away the "electronic-al" burdens of our culture.
  • the beautiful weather that follows the storm (same for us in our spiritual lives)

This week was a reminder of God's mighty power and creation that no man can control. And even in the midst of the storms and quakes, He loves us deeply and has a plan for each of us. Check out Romans 8:35-39 and reflect on that truth. Brad Hoffmann, our new Pastor at Cool Spring did a great job expounding on this Sunday as we gathered with no electricity.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Ground Shook

Just experienced my first earthquake - 5.8 on the scale right here in central Virginia. It was an awkward forty seconds of concern. Growing up on the coast I was used to hurricanes and decisions that come with them. Being trained in emergency preparedness, I think I am ready for a tornado. But an earthquake...really?

The Rec Center held its ground and all using the facility remained safe!

The only thing that I didn't hear during this event were the trumpets blowing..............

Monday, August 22, 2011


Back from a week that was half "stay-cation" and half "va-cation." But none the less, it was time where I didn't have to make daily decisions, process leagues, and oversee facility issues. There were times within the week that I did day-dream about what potential opportunities are ahead for us at Cool Spring, particularly through recreation, and the arrival of Brad Hoffman as my new partner in ministry and Pastor of Cool Spring Church.

I am excited to be part of a team. The great thing about sports is there is always a new beginning for each season. And I am excited about the new season of Cool Spring. I am excited about the passions that my colleagues have for learning and moving forward with ministry dreams. I am excited about the families who are attending and becoming part of our Cool Spring family. I am excited about the leadership skills and passion for people that Brad Hoffman brings to Cool Spring. I am excited about developing a new missions partner for recreation and expanding our sports leagues to other areas. I am excited about the recreation team meeting to seek God's vision and working that out together over the next six to eight months. I am excited about the new classes through Jazzercise for senior adults. I am excited about the new fall Upward Soccer league with the purpose of targeting a new community with another church. I am excited.

Like any start of the season; players, coaches, and fans typically are excited about the potential. And while I have named just a few things I am excited about in recreation and Cool Spring, I have no idea how all will turn out. But I do know this, God has a direction and heart for his people. He often brings about possibilities for us that we can either sit on or give it a go. As a follower of Christ, I have decided to give it a go. Go out there and test the waters of the new exciting possibilities. Asking God to show me where and how He is working so that we can continue to be a part of something exciting - following Him and being a part of His working in our community and world.

The unknown can be exciting from God's perspective. What are you excited about?

Tuesday, August 02, 2011

4 Pillars of Accomplishment

Both Spiritual Fitness and Lifestyle Fitness take discipline. Getting off the couch, taking walks, lifting weights, spending time in prayer, and exercising our spiritual minds by reading the scriptures just doesn't happen. We have to put theme into practice in order to see growth.

Don Nova, Spiritual Fitness Coach and Instructor, has trained many athletes and high level fitness guru's. Not only does he spend time with them to develop their bodies for competition, but he also spends time with them to develop their minds for spiritual battles. He list these four pillars to accomplishments:
  • Desire - there's a burning passion
  • Information - understanding proper instruction and teaching
  • Repetition - consistency creates habit and produces results
  • Accountability - support
Jesus knew the importance of each of these pillars. Prior to any ministry to others, he cared for himself in all areas. He had a desire to please the Father, he understood his purpose and communicated his message, he got up early daily, and followed the will of the Father.

Mark 1:35 Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, Jesus went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.

Typically the way in which we start our day, is the way in which we end it. Adjusting our priorities and charting the course for the day early will determine some of the decisions we make throughout the day. For example; when I make a good decision for a healthy breakfast, I am more likely to make a good decision for the next meal. When I spend time praying or reading, I am more likely to be reminded of the passages throughout the day and be more sensitive to God's leading in my life.

As you reflect on your spiritual fitness and your lifestyle fitness, start with God's desire and ask Him to create in your life desire, information, repetition, and accountability.