In Jim Collins book,
Why the Mighty Have Fallen, he points out several areas in which great companies over the last few years have begun to slide or even fallen from that which made them great. One of the reasons is not having the
right people in the correct positions.
Having the right people in the right positions is critical to any ministry or job. To often we find holes that need to be filled and we simply fill them. Creating potential problems for the organization and the person. In a sense, we plan for failure.
In our recreation ministry we are dependant on volunteers and people. We have positions available at the Rec Desk, League Programs, Fitness Teachers, and our Upward Sports Leagues. Each of these examples requires that the
right people are filling the right position. We need people who
understand hospitality, administration, communication, and
relational ministry with others. When seeking new volunteers it is important to lay out key positions for those interested and make sure there is a fit. Knowing the persons
ability and giftedness helps assist in proper placement.
You may have some holes needing to be filled. Do not be tempted to fill them so you can say they are filled. Fillings are temporary and eventually you will be forced to deal with the harder issue:
did the right person find the best fit? ,if you have found the
right person, put them to work. Nothing
stifles a person ready to
exercise their skills and gifts than waiting for something to do.
FYI - We are looking for people to partner with us in recreation. We need coaches, ref's, and rec desk volunteers. Let me hear from you!