We had a great final day of training coaches and referees for the new Upward league in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Ten new coaches came out for the training and we introduced the philosophy of coaching and ministry. Several things I am reflecting on following our training and discussions:
1. You have to adjust your ministry process based on your demographic and culture. While the Upward ministry provides a great shell to follow, within the culture of Nova Scotia (a culture where people go through life never thinking about God and simply shut down any conversation regarding religion) the approach of the devotions and half time speakers may look different. The focus of the league will be to teach basketball at the highest level possible while demonstrating the love of Christ through making genuine relationships with community members. Yes, team huddles during practice will take place, but the way they are communicated might not be the traditional style of giving a devotion. Trust between the community and Living Hope Upward basketball league will be critical in securing the foundation for future years of ministry.
2. We really are dependent on God to move in the lives of others. While we hosted a previous summer camp, handed out several hundred brochures in two days, and met with school leaders, we still must pray fervently for people to have open eyes and hearts to participating in a new local basketball league.
3. The job of church planters is hard. I remember all to well the days of living overseas with the daunting task of starting a church in a country that only one percent of the population was Christian. Pastor Ian is meeting regularly with families who are hurting and students who are fighting against the struggles of the world without any concept of who God is and how He can be a part of their daily lives. And Pastor Ian is doing it without a "Christian Ghetto" around him. That's one of the great things about the partnership we have formed. We are able to walk alongside of Ian and Ian alongside of us as we both seek to be used by God in the process of lives being transformed.
Continue to pray for Living Hope Community Church ( a church of about 40 people seeking to impact a city of 350,00) and the start of their Upward basketball league. Pray that God will provide players, coaches, ref's, and facilities. Pray for Ian to guide and direct the church and that God would raise accountable leaders to run and work the league.
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