Many of us, and still others, are experiencing darkness without power due to Hurricane Irene. The kind of darkness that you cannot see your hand in front of your face. Without the local neighborhood lights, the sky glitters with all the stars and it's just dark in some places of Hanover county. Same is true for darkness that occurs in the South Pole for several months of the year. While it's ok early on, it then gets discouraging and depressing for those living in it daily. Darkness can bring about disorientation and isolation.
Recently I have been going through the book of Mark with the assistance of Timothy Keller's book King's Cross. Mark gives us a picture of darkness that occurs at the point of Christ's death (Mark 15:33-34). The Bible speaks volumes about light and darkness (Isaiah 13, Amos 8). Often darkness will occur in our lives when we place our trust and dependency on ourselves and the world around us. When we begin to orbit around everything else - career, relationships, family, money - as the source of our hope, the result will be spiritual darkness. In the Bible we see the picture of the sun as compared to God. The sun is the source of visual truth because we see by it and it is also our source of biological life because without it nothing could live. God is the source of all truth and life.
As you seek direction and guidance in this world, orbit your life around the love that Christ has for you. Avoid the traps of disorientation and isolationism. The darkness of our lives was dealt with on the cross and the curtain was torn. It was a profound event in the history of our world. So profound that the Roman Centurion was the first to recognize and publicly proclaim that this "man" was the Messiah and the divine one. May we come to trust and proclaim the same.