Tony Morgan's article entitled, Is the Church Responsible to Find People Friends?, brought out some great insights and thoughts about the church and the use of recreation.
Think about your relationships; how did you find them? Did you seek them out as a child? Did you step out to be involved in an interest group? Or, did someone decide for you the group that would best fit you? Throughout the article, Morgan continues to ask a provoking question: What would happen if we put less attention on organizing relationships and more attention on something people will organize around? Bingo! Great thought. It is true that we set up our people (those who follow Christ and those we pray will follow Christ) to be part of specific groups. There are men's groups, women's groups, age groups, etc. Both Morgan and myself recognize the influence and positives that come from these groups, but what if we allowed people to make relationship decisions on "serving" opportunities? This would allow for people to be a part of community with affinity and passion while still engaging in the Great Commission and discipleship.
That's why I appreciate and see recreation ministry as a community of people who gather with specific interests and passions that allows for natural relationships and life changing conversations. Through sports and recreation, those who follow Christ and those who have yet to make that decision, connect with common purposes. As they gather to coach, play games, referee, exercise, and enjoy the outdoors, community is formed and daily life can be shared naturally.
Look around at where you are. Do you participate in sports and recreation, spend time at coffee shops, belong to book clubs, serve on community boards, etc? Take time with those natural relationships to share Christ and enjoy community. You've been wired that way!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Freedom to wear "I Voted" Sticker
My two favorite things about election day are:
- The Freedom to Vote in every election (having lived in a country for several years where people did not vote, I have a great appreciation of fulfilling my duty as a citizen of the USA to vote!)
- The "I Voted" Sticker that you receive once you turn the ballot in. There's something American about wearing that little sticker all day long!
Monday, November 01, 2010
Community Time
Community time was great this week. Kelly and I had the joy of being with several different people in a variety of settings. No matter the people or the setting, the atmosphere of community was great.
We were able to experience a great meal with three other couples of all different ages. Yes the food was good, but the time we spent together learning about each other without a rush was enriching to the soul. We shared stories of our hobbies, families, and struggles. Later in the week we met with two other couples and experienced great food and a walk through the Fan District of Richmond. The time spent at the table and walking the streets, allowed us to share hopes, dreams, and desires. We learned more about each others walk with Christ and our world around us. And last night, we met in the neighborhood court to check out all the costumes and candy grabbers. This group of community consisted of people with diverse religious views, people who actually are at church more than me, and people who were simply passing by.
Inside of us all, we desire community - a place where we connect with others, share ideas, and live life. It's what the early church was all about. And it's what we as followers of Christ should be about. Being a part of a community(ies) allows us to love others right where they are. Some of the community time we will have will be easy. This is the time spent with those we agree with or see eye to eye on certain topics. But some of our time will be spent with those in our community who don't think like us or always act like us. It's this community time that will be difficult for us. Either way, Jesus has called us to have the same love for both community groups when he said, "love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul, and love your neighbor as yourself. "
Community is all around us. And inside of community is the opportunity to share the love of Christ with others.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Let the BOWLing Begin
Saturday at the Upward Flag Football fields we will be hosting thirteen bowl games. The kids are pumped, the coaches are syked, and the sponsors are here!! The days activities will be filled with sponsorships from community businesses, cheerleaders throwing out footballs, three national anthems being sung, introduction of players, and bouncables for all!
I would like to thank our sponsors:
- Advance Lawn Care
- Dorns
- Entrust Federal Credit Union
- Grand Graphics
- Ironworks
- Moores Electric
- NetBank Audit
- Performance Physical Therapy
- Trendline Capital
- Tropical Smoothie Cafe
- Upward Sports
Thanks for all the players, parents, coaches, and volunteers for another great season of Upward Flag Football!
FYI - Upward Basketball evaluations start tomorrow as well - Cool Spring Rec Center 8-noon.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Calling Out
Over the last year it has been great to see God working in the lives of those participating in our Outdoor Ministry. Whether it was been through hunts, fishing trips, sportsman's expo, or bible studies. All of the above have allowed for spiritual growth and relationships to develop.
Recently I had the privilege to talk with fellow outdoorsmen Greg Edmonds. In our conversation he shared with me how God has moved in his life. From just being an outdoorsmen to using his gifts and passions for serving in ministry through the outdoors. Greg is following God's call on his life and is responding in obedience to seeking God's direction for Outdoor Ministry. For the next several months and steps in his journey, I am excited to have him on our staff to walk alongside of him in discovering ministry. To hear more from Greg Edmonds, visit his blog
What this reminded me of was that God is still calling. Calling people to himself for salvation and grace, as well as calling his people to service for the greater purpose of introducing others to a life change through Christ. In each of these areas, we have two options: to answer or not to answer. Typically the process for us will be to not answer. And that decision will ultimately lead to frustration. But when we answer, we are freed and renewed in Christ. We come alive as we accept forgiveness and live in our passions and callings.
God may be calling you. Calling you to love your neighbor, give to those in need, accept his gift of forgiveness, or serve through a specific ministry. Whatever it is, respond. That's always the next step in our spiritual journey.
Recently I had the privilege to talk with fellow outdoorsmen Greg Edmonds. In our conversation he shared with me how God has moved in his life. From just being an outdoorsmen to using his gifts and passions for serving in ministry through the outdoors. Greg is following God's call on his life and is responding in obedience to seeking God's direction for Outdoor Ministry. For the next several months and steps in his journey, I am excited to have him on our staff to walk alongside of him in discovering ministry. To hear more from Greg Edmonds, visit his blog
What this reminded me of was that God is still calling. Calling people to himself for salvation and grace, as well as calling his people to service for the greater purpose of introducing others to a life change through Christ. In each of these areas, we have two options: to answer or not to answer. Typically the process for us will be to not answer. And that decision will ultimately lead to frustration. But when we answer, we are freed and renewed in Christ. We come alive as we accept forgiveness and live in our passions and callings.
God may be calling you. Calling you to love your neighbor, give to those in need, accept his gift of forgiveness, or serve through a specific ministry. Whatever it is, respond. That's always the next step in our spiritual journey.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Philippians 1:3-5 “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.”
Giving thanks is part of our lives. For many it is given before meals each day, written in expressions of cards, shown through acts of kindness and gifts, and said to many when simply cared for or helped in time of need. Being thankful is an act of spiritual worship. Saying “thanks” recognizes and yields to God’s blessings on our lives for daily breathe, salvation through Christ alone, health, wisdom, and provisions are just a few expressions.
Today, I would like to say “Thanks.!” Thanks to God for providing a group of children and families to walk alongside of during this football/cheer season. God has provided new relationships through football / cheerleading experiences for many. Thanks to the many coaches and volunteers who gave a minimum of two days a week to invest in children and teach sport and God’s plan for their lives. Thanks for the parents who committed their time each week as part of investing in their kids.
One special thanks I give today is to Ernie Leistner, Upward Football Director for the past six seasons. Ernie will complete his time of service next weekend and I invite you to celebrate his service to Upward Sports. Ernie’s service is in response to his life being impacted through Upward Sports and changed because of Christ. As you see Ernie at the directors table, walking the fields, out at practice next week, and cheering on the bowl games next weekend, offer him a word of thanks.
Thanks is a powerful word. It’s the greatest expression to acknowledge God’s goodness towards us and the gifts of others.
Giving thanks is part of our lives. For many it is given before meals each day, written in expressions of cards, shown through acts of kindness and gifts, and said to many when simply cared for or helped in time of need. Being thankful is an act of spiritual worship. Saying “thanks” recognizes and yields to God’s blessings on our lives for daily breathe, salvation through Christ alone, health, wisdom, and provisions are just a few expressions.
Today, I would like to say “Thanks.!” Thanks to God for providing a group of children and families to walk alongside of during this football/cheer season. God has provided new relationships through football / cheerleading experiences for many. Thanks to the many coaches and volunteers who gave a minimum of two days a week to invest in children and teach sport and God’s plan for their lives. Thanks for the parents who committed their time each week as part of investing in their kids.
One special thanks I give today is to Ernie Leistner, Upward Football Director for the past six seasons. Ernie will complete his time of service next weekend and I invite you to celebrate his service to Upward Sports. Ernie’s service is in response to his life being impacted through Upward Sports and changed because of Christ. As you see Ernie at the directors table, walking the fields, out at practice next week, and cheering on the bowl games next weekend, offer him a word of thanks.
Thanks is a powerful word. It’s the greatest expression to acknowledge God’s goodness towards us and the gifts of others.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Family Weekend
Headed up to George Mason University for Family Weekend. Kicking it off with a large gathering of families and food and heading to Mason Madness to watch the official first practice of the Men's and Women's basketball teams. Doc Nix will be rockin' it with one of the top voted pep bands in the country according to ESPN. The weekend continues with other events on campus, dinner in DC, and purchasing more than we need from the bookstore!
This will be a good trip to spend with Tyler. He will have time with his grandparents, brother, parents, and his significant other - Rachel. While away, I'm looking forward to new sites, sounds, and worshipping in Tyler's choice of church.
Let the weekend start.............................NOW!
Friday, October 08, 2010
On Tuesday and Wednesday nights, through our Outdoor Ministry we have been offering the class entitled, "The ME I Want to Be." This is a book series by John Ortberg (see July blog for notes I posted). This past week we were focusing on Renewing the Mind.
As I was reading through the material and thinking, Matthew 22:37 came to my mind, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind..." I couldn't help but wrestle through this passage. For the most part, we do a good job of understanding the heart issue and the soul issue. But the mind? The word "all" speaks of us fully engaging all three. We are to be fully engaged with the heart, soul, and mind. The heart represents the volitional and emotional side of our faith experience and the soul represents our human life as a whole. The mind is our thinking capacity. It's the place we wrestle, question, ponder, explore, and stretch as we seek to follow the life of Christ.
In his recent book, Think, John Piper says, "Loving God with all our mind means wholly engaging our thinking to do all it can to awaken and express the heartfelt fullness of treasuring God above all things." This is a great expression of thinking. While we enjoy hearing and reading the words of people we agree with, we have to learn to read and hear the thoughts of others so that we can discern and understand what the will of God is. It's the thoughts of scripture and others that challenge us and allows us to fully engage in a process that awakens our thoughts. Thinking also allows us to remain connected to God and have a greater love for God. In order for us to love God, we have to know God. Therefore, thinking and loving are a connected spiritual practices.
God has given us the mind to think. And he ask us to fully engage the mind through thinking. By thinking, we can "know the truth and beauty and worth of God through Jesus and treasure him above all things and spend our lives expressing this in as many ways as our minds can pursue." Engage the mind God has given you. Stretch your thought process through the scriptures, writings of others, and learn to love Him fully.
As I was reading through the material and thinking, Matthew 22:37 came to my mind, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind..." I couldn't help but wrestle through this passage. For the most part, we do a good job of understanding the heart issue and the soul issue. But the mind? The word "all" speaks of us fully engaging all three. We are to be fully engaged with the heart, soul, and mind. The heart represents the volitional and emotional side of our faith experience and the soul represents our human life as a whole. The mind is our thinking capacity. It's the place we wrestle, question, ponder, explore, and stretch as we seek to follow the life of Christ.
In his recent book, Think, John Piper says, "Loving God with all our mind means wholly engaging our thinking to do all it can to awaken and express the heartfelt fullness of treasuring God above all things." This is a great expression of thinking. While we enjoy hearing and reading the words of people we agree with, we have to learn to read and hear the thoughts of others so that we can discern and understand what the will of God is. It's the thoughts of scripture and others that challenge us and allows us to fully engage in a process that awakens our thoughts. Thinking also allows us to remain connected to God and have a greater love for God. In order for us to love God, we have to know God. Therefore, thinking and loving are a connected spiritual practices.
God has given us the mind to think. And he ask us to fully engage the mind through thinking. By thinking, we can "know the truth and beauty and worth of God through Jesus and treasure him above all things and spend our lives expressing this in as many ways as our minds can pursue." Engage the mind God has given you. Stretch your thought process through the scriptures, writings of others, and learn to love Him fully.
Friday, October 01, 2010
Pondering the WOW
Recently I have been reading the book of Acts found in the New Testament. It has been a refreshing reminder of living in the WOW.
As I have been reading, it has reminded me that we do not have to live in the mundane activities of our daily tasks. In fact, we are invited to live in the exciting life that God has planned for us. And in that life, we are treated with WOW moments....especially when we are looking for them.
Early in Acts people were wowed and amazed. The "wowness" of these people created a desire to wow others (share their wow stories of repentance and love). They were wowed by a life changing experience found in Christ Jesus and they were wowed by the miracles that were performed before them that reflected the love and gracious of Jesus. The "wowness" they were experiencing also created a desire for believers of Jesus to unite in all things - food, fellowship, worship, and Christian action that again would reflect Christ love and graciousness.
It's an awesome thing to be wowed. Think about it. Reflect back to a time when your spouse, a loved one, or friend wowed you. The butterfly stomach of excitement probably set in for a moment, you expressed a great sense of appreciation, and you couldn't keep it a secret. You were overwhelmed with being wowed!
If you are a follower of Christ, remember when you met him or experienced him for the first time? Wow. Or remember yesterday when he provided for you? Wow. How about the time His Spirit lifted you? Wow. The day he met you in the midst of difficulty? Wow. Your worship with Him today? Wow. You see, in all things, God is there and is wowing us.
As a Christ follower, go and WOW someone today with your story of you have been wowed by a loving God who has your life close to His.
As I have been reading, it has reminded me that we do not have to live in the mundane activities of our daily tasks. In fact, we are invited to live in the exciting life that God has planned for us. And in that life, we are treated with WOW moments....especially when we are looking for them.
Early in Acts people were wowed and amazed. The "wowness" of these people created a desire to wow others (share their wow stories of repentance and love). They were wowed by a life changing experience found in Christ Jesus and they were wowed by the miracles that were performed before them that reflected the love and gracious of Jesus. The "wowness" they were experiencing also created a desire for believers of Jesus to unite in all things - food, fellowship, worship, and Christian action that again would reflect Christ love and graciousness.
It's an awesome thing to be wowed. Think about it. Reflect back to a time when your spouse, a loved one, or friend wowed you. The butterfly stomach of excitement probably set in for a moment, you expressed a great sense of appreciation, and you couldn't keep it a secret. You were overwhelmed with being wowed!
If you are a follower of Christ, remember when you met him or experienced him for the first time? Wow. Or remember yesterday when he provided for you? Wow. How about the time His Spirit lifted you? Wow. The day he met you in the midst of difficulty? Wow. Your worship with Him today? Wow. You see, in all things, God is there and is wowing us.
As a Christ follower, go and WOW someone today with your story of you have been wowed by a loving God who has your life close to His.
Friday, September 24, 2010
This winter sports season we are introducing a PSE - Progressive Sports Experience through our Upward Sports Basketball League. And this year we are also celebrating ten years of Upward Basketball in Hanover.
I am excited to introduce you to a progressive sports experience that is based on the development of a child's motor skills through sports. The focus of our progressive sports experience is built on age appropriate development for children starting in kindergarten and continuing through the eighth grade. While we will still be committed to ensuring every child has equal playing time and receive biblical instruction for life through relationships with coaches and team huddles, you will see a difference in our approach to coaching and games.
The PSE will provide four levels of growth beginning with kindergarten and first grade. KNowing that these children are single minded focus, coaches will narrow their teaching to dribbling, bounce passes, and understanding what offense and defense really does. Each team will play four players rather than five to create spacing and encourage team play. At the second and third grade level, you will continue to see cross court basketball, with man to man defense and offensive skills being taught. The fourth and fifth grade level will move to a full court game that will introduce zone defense and man to man press during certain time frames of the game. Children will be challenged to run the court, pass, set up offensive plays and defensive strategies. And the final level will be the sixth through eight grade. This level will allow man to man, zone defense, fast breaks, and involve an end of the season tournament.
As we have studied and Upward is introducing, we believe this will enable us to continue to instruct and nurture the children and families in the ways of God and accomplish teaching proper basketball fundamentals and development. Both will prepare children for further sport opportunity and Christ centered decision making.
Sign up now for our PSE ! Register at This year we celebrate 10 years of Upward Basketball in Hanover!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
A Life for the Gospel
Over the years, my family and I have had the opportunity to serve through sports throughout the world. And in each of the places we have lived or partnered in specific projects, we have found special individuals that have challenged our faith and lives.
Several years ago we traveled to China for the Olympic project. During this two year partnership, we were able to travel to the home and church location of Lottie Moon who served in China during the 1900's. While visiting this site we met Pastor Qin Jia Ye. Even though the political and religious culture of China was difficult, Pastor Qin Jia Ye remained steadfast in his love for God, love for his fellow man, and commitment to share the message of Jesus Christ; even in the face of persecution and government control. His spirit was always welcoming and his smile was a reflection of a life that was filled with love and joy.
On August 31, Pastor Qin Jia Ye and his wife, both in their eighties, were killed in the church by a suspected former "member" of the church. The news was a complete shock to the community, the country, the United States, and myself. While I have met some awesome radical people serving throughout the world, I never really thought that I would read of a friends martyrdom. His work will always be remembered for re-establishing the church after being closed for forty-nine years and several hundred baptisms each year throughout his ministry. He will be remembered, at least by me, to be a man who so loved His Savior that the sacrificial life was worth the cost. For today, he is rejoicing in heaven with his bride and all the saints who have gone before him.
While we as followers of Christ seek to be on mission, why is it that we sit in our comfortable buildings, we live without fear, and we quarrel among ourselves? Dear God, please give us a heart for people who are lost and hurting. Create in us a desire to be part of the impossible and face persecution with confidence from you. Amen!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Run with Horses
Though I am not very knowledgeable about horses, I do love to watch them run. They run with power and they run with stride. The muscle tone that can be observed down the back stretch of the Preakness or the Derby is a beautiful sight. And it can likely be considered the most powerful force of endurance within a 2 minute period.
Jeremiah 12 has something to say to us as well about the power of running horses: Jeremiah 12:5 says "If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, then how can you contend with the horses?" Wow, what a statement. You see, Jeremiah was in a battle that involved fierce competition. His competitors were with idolaters and wicked priests. Jeremiah was continuing to respond to his call from the Lord to condemn Judah and predict her downfall. And it was during this period where he felt discouragement (12:1). Then God spoke to him saying; the competition has just begun, you have been dealing with minor issues (footmen). How will you handle things when it really gets hard (running with horses)?
None of us likes harsh competition or circumstances. It goes against our fleshly desires to work them out and work through them. But perhaps, like me, you are facing some difficult times or issues. During these times we must hold to the promises of God, in the midst of our pleading for relief, that He will grant us the ability to run with the horses. That He will equip us, strengthen us, and sustain us through these days. Throughout the whole counsel of God's written word we find Him being faithful to carrying people through their circumstances and processes. The book of James is such an encouragement for the believer as we "endure hardship."
Ask God to give you the grace when burdens grow great. Ask God to send strength when the labor increases. Ask God to add mercy and peace in the face trials....And watch patiently for Him to work!
Jeremiah 12 has something to say to us as well about the power of running horses: Jeremiah 12:5 says "If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, then how can you contend with the horses?" Wow, what a statement. You see, Jeremiah was in a battle that involved fierce competition. His competitors were with idolaters and wicked priests. Jeremiah was continuing to respond to his call from the Lord to condemn Judah and predict her downfall. And it was during this period where he felt discouragement (12:1). Then God spoke to him saying; the competition has just begun, you have been dealing with minor issues (footmen). How will you handle things when it really gets hard (running with horses)?
None of us likes harsh competition or circumstances. It goes against our fleshly desires to work them out and work through them. But perhaps, like me, you are facing some difficult times or issues. During these times we must hold to the promises of God, in the midst of our pleading for relief, that He will grant us the ability to run with the horses. That He will equip us, strengthen us, and sustain us through these days. Throughout the whole counsel of God's written word we find Him being faithful to carrying people through their circumstances and processes. The book of James is such an encouragement for the believer as we "endure hardship."
Ask God to give you the grace when burdens grow great. Ask God to send strength when the labor increases. Ask God to add mercy and peace in the face trials....And watch patiently for Him to work!
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Partnering for a Purpose
This Saturday we host our first Flag Football games of the 2010 Upward Season. And we are looking forward to a season that provides great relationships with players, coaches, and families; as well as great sport development for those playing.
Each year it is great to see how God continues to use people who have stayed committed over the years and how God draws new people to get involved. From League Directors, Coach Commissioners, Coaches, Concession Workers, Field Volunteers, Ref's, and many others who make this season possible.
It's about Partnership - Partnering for a Purpose. People living out their faith together through sports for the purpose of investing in others and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in word and deed (James 1:22).
Kick off each week is at 9 AM located at the fields of New Hanover Church off Rte 301. Games continue through Noon. Come out and see how God has equipped His people to partner together through Flag Football. You will also see some great football being played!
Each year it is great to see how God continues to use people who have stayed committed over the years and how God draws new people to get involved. From League Directors, Coach Commissioners, Coaches, Concession Workers, Field Volunteers, Ref's, and many others who make this season possible.
It's about Partnership - Partnering for a Purpose. People living out their faith together through sports for the purpose of investing in others and sharing the good news of Jesus Christ in word and deed (James 1:22).
Kick off each week is at 9 AM located at the fields of New Hanover Church off Rte 301. Games continue through Noon. Come out and see how God has equipped His people to partner together through Flag Football. You will also see some great football being played!
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Get on the Trolley

The picture featured is Ollie's Trolley in Washington DC. Just two blocks from the White House and south of Metro Center, it is a great place to go for a juicy double cheeseburger and / or a Philly Cheese Steak all the way. It has local character and charm. This has been location to dinners before Washington Wizards games and most recently was our lunch stop while visiting Tyler at George Mason.
I guess you would say this was our last stop before the summer came to a close. We hit DC on Labor Day to visit Tyler and to pick up our new Mac Book Pro. Brendan was able to pal around with Tyler before starting 5th grade today and Rachel Goins took in all the sites of DC, including Tyler (ha ha).
So, I guess after four camps, graduation, college, summer baseball, and family vacation, it's back to the grind of school for another 179 days. And, it's time to get back to the blog.
Friday, August 20, 2010
It has been said that, " it's not how we act, but rather how we react." So true.
Throughout the New Testament and the writings that reflect the life of Christ, we can see that the idea of response was critical to his representation of his father's will and purpose. His response to those who accused him verbally, his response to those who beat him physically, his response to those who laughed or mocked him, and his response to those who even followed him. Whether he was responding to the accusers or teaching his followers, each of these situations required a spirit filled response. A type of response that calls for obedience to yield to the glorification of God, in all circumstances.
Responses are inevitable and impactful. In our lives we will be faced with great times and our responses will be generous and overflowing with ease. But we will also face times when our responses will take more yielding and reflection. In our sports leagues we teach our players and coaches how to respond to the calls that go in their favor and how to respond to the calls they do not go in their favor. Depending on the call and the response, it can and will dictate the response of the others in the playing area for the better or the worse. The same is true in our lives and particularly those who are following and trusting Christ.
Our responses are the lamp stands for which others will see or not see Christ's spirit dwelling and living in us. When faced with difficult times, we need to allow our response emotion to yield to the Holy Spirit. It doesn't mean that we will not have emotions that may create anger, worry, or hurt, nor does it mean we lay down softly or do not hold others or ourselves accountable for actions. However, it does mean that as followers of Christ, in the depths of our soul and no matter the situation, we desire to live out 1 Corinthians 10:31 - "Whether I eat or drink, I do all for the glory of God."
In our responses we must reflect on the life of Christ. Reflect on the teachings he gave others when facing specific actions and reactions. Remember, our purpose, like that of Christ's, is to glorify the Father in heaven and provide a lamp stand for others to see. Don't let our emotions control our response. Let's allow our responses to be controlled by Christ so that others may see the difference within us. Remember, we are considered, according to the scripture, peculiar people.
Throughout the New Testament and the writings that reflect the life of Christ, we can see that the idea of response was critical to his representation of his father's will and purpose. His response to those who accused him verbally, his response to those who beat him physically, his response to those who laughed or mocked him, and his response to those who even followed him. Whether he was responding to the accusers or teaching his followers, each of these situations required a spirit filled response. A type of response that calls for obedience to yield to the glorification of God, in all circumstances.
Responses are inevitable and impactful. In our lives we will be faced with great times and our responses will be generous and overflowing with ease. But we will also face times when our responses will take more yielding and reflection. In our sports leagues we teach our players and coaches how to respond to the calls that go in their favor and how to respond to the calls they do not go in their favor. Depending on the call and the response, it can and will dictate the response of the others in the playing area for the better or the worse. The same is true in our lives and particularly those who are following and trusting Christ.
Our responses are the lamp stands for which others will see or not see Christ's spirit dwelling and living in us. When faced with difficult times, we need to allow our response emotion to yield to the Holy Spirit. It doesn't mean that we will not have emotions that may create anger, worry, or hurt, nor does it mean we lay down softly or do not hold others or ourselves accountable for actions. However, it does mean that as followers of Christ, in the depths of our soul and no matter the situation, we desire to live out 1 Corinthians 10:31 - "Whether I eat or drink, I do all for the glory of God."
In our responses we must reflect on the life of Christ. Reflect on the teachings he gave others when facing specific actions and reactions. Remember, our purpose, like that of Christ's, is to glorify the Father in heaven and provide a lamp stand for others to see. Don't let our emotions control our response. Let's allow our responses to be controlled by Christ so that others may see the difference within us. Remember, we are considered, according to the scripture, peculiar people.
Friday, August 06, 2010
Sportsmanship Interview
Check out (sports spectrum radio website) for an interview I did on Sportsmanship. The show consists of a variety of topics with other guests. The interview will air on Saturday August 7th nationwide and is located on the website as well.
Hitt'n the Road
Vaaa--k--see---oon - this is the french phonetic for VACATION! And that's where I am headed. After a great summer of four sports camps, VBS, and the addition of TRIBL3 Games / Girls basketball league / Sports Training Series, it's off for some fun with the family!
We are headed out and headed south for one final family vaa--k--see--oon (Go ahead say it with laughter and enthusiasm). Yep, this may be the changing of the guards in terms of family vaa-k--see--oons. When we come back Tyler heads to George Mason and well...although he will want to come home for the first few weeks or months, I know by the end of the year he will have gained some independence and momma will begging him to come home (me too because I have some house work for him). This will be a good time for us to enjoy each other and for Brendan to enjoy his big brother for one last party!
Thanks to everyone who worked so hard and participated to make this recreation summer one of impact.
I may blog while I am gone, not sure how the mood will be. If not, I will be back in the office after next week and ready for some insights and growth as we kick off the fall season of recreation and sports in the Cool Spring Rec Ministry.
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Things Every Kid Needs
About 40% of our recreation ministry involves working with kids; from our Upward Sports leagues to sport camps and after school activities. In working with kids we not only have to be knowledgeable about the sport or recreation skill we are teaching, but also the nature and spiritual needs that are present.
In Reggie Joiner's book, Think Orange, he gives five things every kid needs:
In Reggie Joiner's book, Think Orange, he gives five things every kid needs:
- A REALLY BIG GOD they can trust no matter what. Kids should grow up knowing that God is big enough to handle whatever they may face.
- SOMEONE ELSE who believes what they believe. Kids need friends who will encourage them to grow in their faith.
- ANOTHER VOICE saying the same things parents say. As children grow older it becomes more important to have other adults in their lives as spiritual mentors and leaders.
- UNCOMMON SENSE to help them make wise decisions. God's point of view and His truth should become the filter for how kids view life and make decisions.
- NOSY PARENTS who know where their kids are spiritually. Kids need parents who will be intentional about spending time together as a family and staying actively involved in their children's spiritual life.
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Still Camping... Multi-Sports Week
Another week of sports camp has started! This week we are partnering with Overtime Athletics and hosting a Multi-Sports camp for grades 1-5. Campers this week are learning Lacrosse, Floor Hockey, Ultimate Frisbee, Physical Fitness, Volleyball, and field day events / water games.
Throughout the day campers are focused on learning new skills of the game, rules of the games, nutrition for healthy bodies, and character. Each day has a new concept that is taught by our staff as well as a biblical truth. Campers are learning about teamwork, sportsmanship, respect, and accomplishment.
This is a great camp to help introduce children to a variety of sports. It gives kids and parents the opportunity to explore together different and new interests. Often we have our own agendas for what our kids should participate in and we do not allow for them to explore and develop for themselves. As summer comes to a close and you review all your activities / camps / travel leagues, talk about them with your kid(s). Learn to help them explore, they may like it or they may not like it, and discover who they are as well as the areas God has gifted them.
Oh by the way, as a parent of two very different children seven years apart, this is something I have to remind myself everyday!
Throughout the day campers are focused on learning new skills of the game, rules of the games, nutrition for healthy bodies, and character. Each day has a new concept that is taught by our staff as well as a biblical truth. Campers are learning about teamwork, sportsmanship, respect, and accomplishment.
This is a great camp to help introduce children to a variety of sports. It gives kids and parents the opportunity to explore together different and new interests. Often we have our own agendas for what our kids should participate in and we do not allow for them to explore and develop for themselves. As summer comes to a close and you review all your activities / camps / travel leagues, talk about them with your kid(s). Learn to help them explore, they may like it or they may not like it, and discover who they are as well as the areas God has gifted them.
Oh by the way, as a parent of two very different children seven years apart, this is something I have to remind myself everyday!
Sunday, August 01, 2010
22 years ago...
This morning marks the 22 year celebration of being cancer free. It was August 1, 1988 that I found myself diagnosed with a rare cancer (4th in the world) and headed into surgery at the Medical College of Va. That day comes with many memories and emotions:
- Uncertain as to why me
- President of the orthopedic cancer society was my surgeon, Dr. Walter Lawrence
- Family and others support
- A lot of sick people around me
- My Dad and I laughing as they wheeled me into operating room
- Peace of God present during the early prep for surgery
- And many others ....
And with each of these, came God's plan for my life. Though I was uncertain, God was sure (Jeremiah 29:11). God had provided the best surgeon for the task and many family and friends were supportive through the process. Yes, I was surrounded by many other children who too were fighting, and God taught me that there are always others with needs. The presence of my father was that of laughter and jokes in the midst of a crisis, it was a true picture of who God is in our lives - a loving and caring father who provides peace in the midst of a storm. And as I grow older each year, I recognize more the blessing that God has given me - life.
The celebration of today will not necessarily be that of a party or big announcement, but simply a presence and awareness of thanking God for his blessings over the past 22 years.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Quotes about Me (and You) Part 2
I am continuing a series called "Quotes about Me" this week. This little series is taken from John Ortberg's The Me I Want to Be.
- If I want my mind to be full of life; I will have to pay attention to what it is focused on.
- It starts with a vision of being loved by God.
- You have a great freedom - whatever - to allow the Spirit to rewire your mind.
- While reading scripture, use your imagination to recreate the details of peoples expressions, smells, and sounds. It's alive!
- Peace doesn't come from finding a lake with no storm, it comes from having Jesus in the boat.
- The Holy Spirit is a non-anxious presence in our lives.
- The goal of prayer is to live all my life and speak all of my words in the joyful awareness of the presence of God.
- Temptation is painful to us because when we give in, it doesn't hurt us from the outside; it hurts from the inside.
- Real freedom is not external freedom to gratify every appetite; it is the internal freedom not to be enslaved by our appetites.
- Sin is the deadliest force, it takes us out of the flow of the Holy Spirit.
- You are your own nemesis, your own biggest problem, because there is a relationship between the best version of you and the worst version of you.
- There is a ME I cannot see.
- Apart from the flow of the Holy Spirit, we can't see our sin.
- Repenting is God's gift to us. It does not increase God's desire to be with us. It increases our capacity to be with him.
- Being alone with God, I can fully be myself.
- Prayer, more than any other activity, is what places us in the flow of the Spirit.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Botswana and the Diamond
This week my son Tyler and ten others are traveling in Botswana working with several local churches. They will be involved in engaging local people, encouraging national and American Christians, and learning more about themselves as individuals. Over the years, Tyler has been blessed with many overseas opportunities to experience God's love and God's people. Check out the team blog at
With Tyler gone, Brendan and I are going to the Diamond each day for the Richmond Flying Squirrels baseball camp. Several players each day are conducting five stations over a three hour period to work with local players in the community to develop their skills in baseball. As a person who hosts and runs camps, I was most impressed at how the players fully engaged the kids and worked with them. It created a great first day impression. Besides a free t-shirt, the Squirrels are providing free tickets each night of this weeks home stand. Have Fun, Go Nuts!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Grace Area
In follow up to what I have been reading, Rolando Lamb gave a great message Sunday on living in your "grace area." Using the scriptures from 1 Corinthians 15:10, 1 Timothy 4:14, and 1 John 5:5, he brought out three truths for us as followers of Christ to be mindful of :
- Recognize the Grace of God - Do you have a sense of the call of God on your life? What is it that God has gifted you with -"grace area" - and are you living in it? When we recognize God's grace in our lives, it will always move us closer to Him.
- Work the Grace of God - What people group are you called to minister and befriend? Who is it that is being blessed as a result your grace area? Are you using your grace area to maximize God's glory?
- Be Grateful for the Grace of God - Be thankful each day. The Bible says that we are in the will of God when we give Him praise for who He is and what He has all things.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Camping On
Rolando Lamb, VCU Hall of Fame basketball player and now America's Character Coach, has been in town working with us for our summer basketball camps. This past week we finished our boys camp with 59 participants. This years boys camp also welcomed Ronnie Lamb and several players from New Kent. It was really great to see how these players worked with the boys in basketball skills and also shared their life stories. It only takes a few moments or days to make an impact!
Next week we have 27 girls coming in for another week of camp.
Rolando will also be sharing on Sunday in all three worship services.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Quotes about Me (and you)
Recently I have been reading through John Ortberg's book The Me I Want to Be. It's a great book that teaches us that "life is not about any particular achievement or experience. The most important task of your life is not what you do, but who you become." It's a process of discovering who we really are and how to live a life of vitality through Christ.
Here are some highlighted marks in my book:
Here are some highlighted marks in my book:
- Your spiritual life is not limited to certain devotional activities. It is receiving power from the Spirit of God to become the person God had in mind when He created you - His handiwork
- God desires our lives to flourish - to receive life from outside yourself, creating vitality within yourself and producing blessing beyond yourself
- Comparison kills spiritual growth
- The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. There is an enormous difference between following rules and following Jesus, because I can follow rules without cultivating the right heart
- There are always next steps in our lives
- When my primary focus is being present with God, everything else has a way of falling in place
- Self-improvement is no more God's plan than self-salvation
- The only way to become the person God made you to be is to live with the Spirit of God flowing through you like a river of living water (Genesis 2:10)
- Sign of flowing is a sense of God-given vitality and joyful aliveness overflowing in you
- A generic plan for spiritual growth will frustrate you
- Spiritual growth is hand-crafted, not mass produced
- Where the Spirit is, there is freedom
- Every moment is a chance to live in the flow of the Spirit
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
A New Title
The world is full of titles. And they keep changing. We have gone from Secretary to Administrative Assistant, Pastor to Executive Minister, Counselor to Life Coach / Wellness Coach, and the lists and changes go on.
Recently I was introduced to a new title. And my thoughts of this title were, " everyone can have this title." The title I am talking about is a National Opinion Leader! Wow, there it is. A distinction that most people can add to their introductions. While being introduced to a well versed educated and respected leader in the field of Liberal Arts Education, who currently serves as a Provost, the moderator included in his list of titles / degrees that he was a National Opinion Leader. My perception at that moment was some what of shock that we can consider ourselves leaders in our opinions.
While doing a little more research on being a National Opinion Leader, I learned that National Opinion Leaders are focused on shaping business and industries, influencing study and debate, spreading ideas and expanding the conversation, and influencing and setting policy. There are over 10,000 people a month visiting the website to be filters of ideas through theirs and others opinions. With these focus areas in place, I thought about and pondered how Jesus was such a leader Himself (I beleive He is truth, therefore for me to use the term opinion would be incorrect). Jesus placed himself in places to be an influencer. In fact, those places consisted of the temples, homes of sinners, among tax collectors, the sick and needy, and with people who were not like Him. It was in these groups that He shared His message of love and expounded on the teachings of life that affects all of us; finances, debates, policies /rules/law, and others. Jesus had much to say and demonstrate to us how to be filled with God's love and live our lives in such a way that we can be influencers in our commuities.
Give it a try yourself this week and see what happens. Introduce yourself to someone and include you are a National Opinion Leader. Notice their response, give them your "opinion."(And I use the termn opinion loosley). As you do, it's my prayer that you (and me) will solidify are introductions and opinions with the truth of who we are as a follower of Jesus and what He has done for us as people. While we continue to seek and share opinions, remember the scripture is clear that you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.
Recently I was introduced to a new title. And my thoughts of this title were, " everyone can have this title." The title I am talking about is a National Opinion Leader! Wow, there it is. A distinction that most people can add to their introductions. While being introduced to a well versed educated and respected leader in the field of Liberal Arts Education, who currently serves as a Provost, the moderator included in his list of titles / degrees that he was a National Opinion Leader. My perception at that moment was some what of shock that we can consider ourselves leaders in our opinions.
While doing a little more research on being a National Opinion Leader, I learned that National Opinion Leaders are focused on shaping business and industries, influencing study and debate, spreading ideas and expanding the conversation, and influencing and setting policy. There are over 10,000 people a month visiting the website to be filters of ideas through theirs and others opinions. With these focus areas in place, I thought about and pondered how Jesus was such a leader Himself (I beleive He is truth, therefore for me to use the term opinion would be incorrect). Jesus placed himself in places to be an influencer. In fact, those places consisted of the temples, homes of sinners, among tax collectors, the sick and needy, and with people who were not like Him. It was in these groups that He shared His message of love and expounded on the teachings of life that affects all of us; finances, debates, policies /rules/law, and others. Jesus had much to say and demonstrate to us how to be filled with God's love and live our lives in such a way that we can be influencers in our commuities.
Give it a try yourself this week and see what happens. Introduce yourself to someone and include you are a National Opinion Leader. Notice their response, give them your "opinion."(And I use the termn opinion loosley). As you do, it's my prayer that you (and me) will solidify are introductions and opinions with the truth of who we are as a follower of Jesus and what He has done for us as people. While we continue to seek and share opinions, remember the scripture is clear that you shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Words of Paw-Paw
Great two days on the campus of George Mason. Tyler is registered for his fall classes, we learned the Mason fight song in preparation for the 2010-2011 athletic seasons, headed into DC for dinner at Bistro Du Coin (great French food), and bid farewell by way of the bookstore and 3.5 hours of traffic back to Richmond.
On the last day of our visit while sitting in one of the twenty-eight places to eat on campus, the words of my father-n-law came screaming out of my mouth in utter shock....."We didn't have this when I was in school." Yep, I said it. This is the phrase he often uses to share stories about the college he and I attended, only years a part. And while he often mentions the benefits to my eduction, I can totally understand the difference now. The opportunities that Tyler has waiting for him at George Mason makes my college experience dinosaur like. And I can only imagine what it will be for my father-n-law on his visit to the campus.
So, here are a few things I'm jealous about, or should I said "We didn't have...."
- Cafeteria is no longer a word used with twenty-eight other dinning options
- The window to eat 7 Am - 7 PM has now changed to 6 AM - 4 AM (next morning)
- Digital textbooks
- Three full size recreation facilities for students (where's the old gym?)
- From no Internet / email to facebook and a wireless campus
- No long lines for registration. It's all done on your computer now
- Living learning communities
- Free Laundry services that inform you online when your clothes are finished
I guess once again, another part of my life where I am growing up.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
College 101

Headed up to George Mason University for a two day orientation program with Tyler. This will be a great time for him to experience some insight into college life, as well as sign up for some classes this fall.
All of this stuff brings back loads of memories and emotions preparing for college. From deciding class courses, to dorm furniture, and learning a whole new community. The next two days should prove interesting and probably prove how out of touch I am with the up coming generation.
I am excited for Tyler and excited about being on campus. I just hope they don't have me digging in my pockets after each presentation $$$.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Where's the Team?
Beginning last Thursday night and extending into the weekend, we were introduced to another step of self promotion and exaltation. While we all want to be applauded and hear our name praised, I think we have hit an all time new level. And I am talking about the LeBron James Tour that started several weeks back with NBA teams "courting" him all the way to his grand announcement on ESPN and ending with a party in South Beach Miami, aided by the announcements of Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh.
While I fully comprehend their athletic talents and abilities as basketball players, it just disgusts me to see a new realm of self promotion. At what point did LeBron really believe he was that special that an hour of ESPN TV was worth his announcement of leaving one city for another? And why was it when all three players were introduced in Miami, they were introduced twice as "this is your Miami Heat?" Hello..unless we have changed the rules, basketball still carries five players on the court at a time. They were also awarded three, yes three different keys to the city (one to the beach, one to the city, and one to the county...really?). During the introductions the TV analyst for the Miami Heat continuously referred to them as "The Three Kings." I mean come have just declared them The Team, they can get anywhere they want with all the keys offered them, and now they can run a dictatorship with the tag line Three Kings.
I guess my thought through this process was the concept of TEAM that many coaches teach and stress. Where has it gone? Sure, I know Miami is still putting together other deals to create the best team possible, but the appearance of this is still present - They are the Team. A simple definition I teach and remember about TEAM is : Together Everyone Achieves More.
In hearing all the hype and changing the channels, I reflected back on our own ministry through Sports and Recreation, as well as our church. There is no question leadership is vital on teams, and each of these players will bring some leadership, but without the work of others it will be difficult to win over a long period of time. A team takes a variety of people with a variety of gifts that ultimately make others on the team better. The scripture (1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12:6) speaks about the spiritual gifts given to the believer to do the work of ministry. We are also instructed in working as one body (1 Corinthians 12:12) although there are many parts. In order for any team, ministry, or church to move forward with positive results; it's take each part or person participating.
With the gifts (spiritual and physical) given to you, how are you doing on a / the team? Do you see yourself as a leader, server, or giver? Or do you see yourself simply as the team?
While I fully comprehend their athletic talents and abilities as basketball players, it just disgusts me to see a new realm of self promotion. At what point did LeBron really believe he was that special that an hour of ESPN TV was worth his announcement of leaving one city for another? And why was it when all three players were introduced in Miami, they were introduced twice as "this is your Miami Heat?" Hello..unless we have changed the rules, basketball still carries five players on the court at a time. They were also awarded three, yes three different keys to the city (one to the beach, one to the city, and one to the county...really?). During the introductions the TV analyst for the Miami Heat continuously referred to them as "The Three Kings." I mean come have just declared them The Team, they can get anywhere they want with all the keys offered them, and now they can run a dictatorship with the tag line Three Kings.
I guess my thought through this process was the concept of TEAM that many coaches teach and stress. Where has it gone? Sure, I know Miami is still putting together other deals to create the best team possible, but the appearance of this is still present - They are the Team. A simple definition I teach and remember about TEAM is : Together Everyone Achieves More.
In hearing all the hype and changing the channels, I reflected back on our own ministry through Sports and Recreation, as well as our church. There is no question leadership is vital on teams, and each of these players will bring some leadership, but without the work of others it will be difficult to win over a long period of time. A team takes a variety of people with a variety of gifts that ultimately make others on the team better. The scripture (1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12:6) speaks about the spiritual gifts given to the believer to do the work of ministry. We are also instructed in working as one body (1 Corinthians 12:12) although there are many parts. In order for any team, ministry, or church to move forward with positive results; it's take each part or person participating.
With the gifts (spiritual and physical) given to you, how are you doing on a / the team? Do you see yourself as a leader, server, or giver? Or do you see yourself simply as the team?
Friday, July 09, 2010
Beef Jerky Time

While traveling to South Carolina, my son and I wanted to stop off in Concord, NC to visit a few destinations. This area is known for its variety of shopping. From the Bass Pro (which I think the RVA store is nicer), Harley Davidson, Sticky Fingers BBQ, and a whole lot more; we ventured into the Beef Jerky Outlet (
That's right, the Beef Jerky Outlet. Where samples are free before you buy your choice of jerky. We were greeted by the store general manager Zach. He was enthusiastic about the hundreds of jerky available and made sure we knew how the store was laid out and where to start with our buffet of free samples. We had smokey mountain jerky, turkey jerky, hunter sausages, and a mix of others with BBQ sauce, salsa, seasonings, and mustard's. Over 200 varieties of hot sauces were available! The store also offers varieties of jerky like Alligator, Kangaroo, Ostrich, Wild Boar, Duck, Pheasant, and much more.
It was a 20 minute period of male bonding and a lot of jerky tasting. It's amazing how exciting an outlet can be when you find that one store that provides a product no other does.
If your headed through I 85 and Concord, NC ( near Charlotte Motor Speedway), stop off at the Beef Jerky Outlet. Take exit 49 at Speedway Blvd. Ask for Zach and head for the barrels of jerky. You can even hit the website for orders, gift baskets, and gift certificates.
Who knows, we may even have a jerky eating contest at the next Outdoor Ministry event!
Monday, July 05, 2010
Upward Sports Packaging Overseas
During this week I will be working with my friend Myrna Gregory from Upward Sports. Myrna coordinates many of the overseas Upward Sports experiences and does a great job. I have always known enthusiasm to be contagious and Myrna has that attribute. We will also be joined by two others at the Upward Sports office in Spartanburg, S.C. who have worked with Myrna and have international sports experience.
Together we have received a copy of the Upward Sports Missions Case. This case is designed and used to help those in an overseas market prepare, plan, and host an Upward Sports League or Camp. Throughout the week, we will be reviewing the material and studying it from an overseas perspective; from the language used and the content provided. Through this project, it is our goal to be able to provide as many overseas church leaders or ministry personnel with a sports experience that can be established and duplicated throughout their specific region and culture.
I love this kind of stuff. The excitement of taking a sports ministry tool and working with those from others nations to provide a quality sports experience that will lead to the message of Christ and the establishment of a church. I will say on a personal level, I am more an oral communicator. So, the time I have spent reading over the manual and looking at all its parts this week has been and is somewhat of a new challenge to me. But, I am excited about my time at Upward Sports and the opportunity given to me to be part of this team.
It is also nice to have my wife Kelly and youngest son Brendan traveling with me. Brendan is excited about his purchase of the South Carolina Gamecocks Baseball hat (they just won the college World Series) and Kelly is hitting the peach orchards. We are also having some time to spend with our friends Danny and Merriem Franks (author of Connective Tissue blog) and Kelly's brother Jamie and his wife Kristen in Fort Mill, SC.
Friday, July 02, 2010
Sports Performance Series
Cool Spring Recreation and Performance Physical Therapy and Sports Training will be partnering to provide interested athletes age ten and older the opportunity to "Develop the Champion Within."
Coached by 1996 U.S. Olympian Brian Hyde, Performance Physical Therapy Staff Trainer Jamie Hammer, and myself; the series will be each Wednesday at the Cool Spring Rec Center from 3:30 - 5:00 PM. Each child will receive instruction on speed and agility, setting goals, nutrition, sport specific workouts, and daily team huddles on developing a winning mindset. This will be a great opportunity for those looking to improve off season skills, learn how to properly train for sporting activities, and grow in their character development.
If you have yet to sign up, visit our website for details. First Training starts Wednesday July7 and will finish Wednesday August 18. We will build a makeup day in the schedule for those who miss a week.
Coached by 1996 U.S. Olympian Brian Hyde, Performance Physical Therapy Staff Trainer Jamie Hammer, and myself; the series will be each Wednesday at the Cool Spring Rec Center from 3:30 - 5:00 PM. Each child will receive instruction on speed and agility, setting goals, nutrition, sport specific workouts, and daily team huddles on developing a winning mindset. This will be a great opportunity for those looking to improve off season skills, learn how to properly train for sporting activities, and grow in their character development.
If you have yet to sign up, visit our website for details. First Training starts Wednesday July7 and will finish Wednesday August 18. We will build a makeup day in the schedule for those who miss a week.
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Water Day

Today was water day at Cool Spring VBS. Each year the Hanover Fire Dept. brings in big trucks and hoses and sets up our very own water park for a day. The kids love it, recreation workers live for it, and teachers.....well...let's just leave it at that!
This year's theme was a jungle adventure theme. The kids have also enjoyed hula-hoop quicksand, full costume safari trainer relay, and elephant dung toss.
What would VBS be without recreation!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Sport Specialization Syndrome
Summer camps are a great way for children to explore a variety of interests and sports. Just this past week, we had several kids participate in our football camp as a trial period for their interest. I commend their parents for using the camp system to test the waters of interest. Too often today, we (those in recreation and sports) are seeing the massive push for kids to be the best at a particular sport at an earlier age. Therefore, they are not experiencing or developing their bodies and minds for other sport/recreation disciplines. As I have been observing this trend over the last several years, I really believe its a microcosm of our culture as a whole - you have to be bigger and better at all costs.
Recently I was pleased to see in the Sports Illustrated magazine on June 7, an article pertaining to the topic mentioned above. Dr. James Andrews, leading orthopedic surgeon and director of the American Sports Medicine Institute, says that "we are seeing kids hurt before they even have a chance to become athletes." Andrews' sports medicine clinics are filling up with kids who are playing one sport year round in order to get the exposure and skill needed to make the junior varsity or local travel baseball team. A whopping 60% of the athletes that Andrews sees are now high school players or younger! Dr. Andrews says, "I don't think epidemic is too strong a word." Today it is common to see stress fractures in cross country runners, frayed ligaments in soccer players, and strained elbows and shoulders in baseball and tennis players. And the reason for the large number of injuries - sports specialization. Parents today must pay attention to the amount of activity their athletes participate in and ensure they are doing enough different activities that create proper muscle development as well as emotional development. The physical and emotional stress placed on our kids is in return giving us discouraging numbers in both health and participation in sports.
Here are a couple of recommendations to think about: It is recommended that kids "cross-train" in order to develop their bodies properly. Make a choice to encourage your child to play a variety of sports at an early age. Choosing one sport year round will create burnout for your child by age thirteen. Support your child one sport at a time. Don't sign your child up for two or more sports within the same season. Make sure your child is also playing a variety of positions throughout the season. Eliminate the same mechanical motions day after day. Teach the game from different perspectives.
While every parent of a child playing sports wants them to excel and make it to the college ranks or as a professional athlete, you have to ensure first that they are having fun and you are providing a positive experience for them. Besides, most professional athletes didn't decide their professional sport until college. Encourage your kid to try a variety of sports and activities. Give them time to develop, and don't chase the trends of our culture. Let them be kids and enjoy the game!
For more information on safety tips for sports, visit
Recently I was pleased to see in the Sports Illustrated magazine on June 7, an article pertaining to the topic mentioned above. Dr. James Andrews, leading orthopedic surgeon and director of the American Sports Medicine Institute, says that "we are seeing kids hurt before they even have a chance to become athletes." Andrews' sports medicine clinics are filling up with kids who are playing one sport year round in order to get the exposure and skill needed to make the junior varsity or local travel baseball team. A whopping 60% of the athletes that Andrews sees are now high school players or younger! Dr. Andrews says, "I don't think epidemic is too strong a word." Today it is common to see stress fractures in cross country runners, frayed ligaments in soccer players, and strained elbows and shoulders in baseball and tennis players. And the reason for the large number of injuries - sports specialization. Parents today must pay attention to the amount of activity their athletes participate in and ensure they are doing enough different activities that create proper muscle development as well as emotional development. The physical and emotional stress placed on our kids is in return giving us discouraging numbers in both health and participation in sports.
Here are a couple of recommendations to think about: It is recommended that kids "cross-train" in order to develop their bodies properly. Make a choice to encourage your child to play a variety of sports at an early age. Choosing one sport year round will create burnout for your child by age thirteen. Support your child one sport at a time. Don't sign your child up for two or more sports within the same season. Make sure your child is also playing a variety of positions throughout the season. Eliminate the same mechanical motions day after day. Teach the game from different perspectives.
While every parent of a child playing sports wants them to excel and make it to the college ranks or as a professional athlete, you have to ensure first that they are having fun and you are providing a positive experience for them. Besides, most professional athletes didn't decide their professional sport until college. Encourage your kid to try a variety of sports and activities. Give them time to develop, and don't chase the trends of our culture. Let them be kids and enjoy the game!
For more information on safety tips for sports, visit
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Rec Interns
Awe..... the freshness of having Recreation Interns this summer!
Each summer the recreation ministry is provided the means to hire summer interns. And I love it. For several reasons: they are enthusiastic and breathe life into our ministry, they fill the gaps needed while volunteers are on vacation, and they are given the opportunity to lead and develop ministry skills.
This summer we welcome back Hunter Goins and Will Hausenfluck. And we welcome to our team Logan Spiers. Throughout the summer season they will stimulate interesting conversations among our staff as they are at different levels of college and areas of interest. I never thought I would be old enough to say this, but they are keeping our staff young! They will be, and currently are, responsible for planing and leading Vacation Bible School recreation, organizing a Monday night student recreation league, working the rec center desk, organizing equipment, and touching up the facilities. An intern will basically do it all! That's why I /we love them.
Investing in others and providing the opportunity for people to explore ministry and lead is one of my passions. It's going to be a great summer!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Camping out on Psalm 139
Football camp is underway this week with forty campers and 12 coaches. The lines have been painted, the field prepared, end zones set, and temperatures over 100 degrees! Oh yeah, are you ready for some football?
Throughout the camp our staff works hard to teach the game of football. From drills and skills that teach speed / agility, catching and receiving, passing, and defense. Each station is equipped with coaches ready to help each player develop into the best football player they can become. And each coach is prepared to help each player recognize the person God created them to be.
The camp verse for the week is Psalm 139:14 - "I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. What you have done is wonderful. I know this very well." As we gather for our Game Plan Speaker time, this verse is taught and applied to specific sport attributes. There are several truths we want our campers to take home both athletically and spiritually. First, we teach on the concept of success. I love John Wooden's definition of success, "Knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming." Because of God's great creation of us as people and individuals, we can focus on becoming the best we are capable of rather than focusing on others and comparing ourselves to their abilities, lifestyles, and personalities. In order for us to see the potential inside of us and becoming the best we can, we must first see that we are God's creation and He has done an amazing work. With that perspective, we can then understand that our success is defined and built in/through our Creator.
We then build on this lesson with the concept of poise. Poise is often thought of as being calm or self assured. But poise can be defined simply by "just being yourself." Remember, God created you in an amazing and wonderful way. Learning to live in daily belief of who God has created you to be, will always lead to living in a spirit of calmness, becoming the best you can be, and facing difficult or anxious moments with self control.
The last part of our camp verse for the week leads us to the final concept of living in confidence. Unfortunately our world celebrates arrogance and self confidence. In many arenas, people are promoting themselves every chance they get. But when we look at the last part of the passage above, it says, "I know this very well." Knowing is not just head knowledge or a hopeful thought. It is a daily surrender to believe that you are amazing because of the image in which you have been created -God's. While our athletes are preparing themselves for on field success through drills and skills this week, we also want them to know that it is God who has equipped them for life and Godliness. Because of His plan for each our lives we are able to live in confidence each day.
When we live in God's perspective and understanding of who we are and the potential that is within each of us, we then can become the person or athlete we want to be. Remember, it's confidence in God and His work in us, rather than ourselves.
Throughout the camp our staff works hard to teach the game of football. From drills and skills that teach speed / agility, catching and receiving, passing, and defense. Each station is equipped with coaches ready to help each player develop into the best football player they can become. And each coach is prepared to help each player recognize the person God created them to be.
The camp verse for the week is Psalm 139:14 - "I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. What you have done is wonderful. I know this very well." As we gather for our Game Plan Speaker time, this verse is taught and applied to specific sport attributes. There are several truths we want our campers to take home both athletically and spiritually. First, we teach on the concept of success. I love John Wooden's definition of success, "Knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming." Because of God's great creation of us as people and individuals, we can focus on becoming the best we are capable of rather than focusing on others and comparing ourselves to their abilities, lifestyles, and personalities. In order for us to see the potential inside of us and becoming the best we can, we must first see that we are God's creation and He has done an amazing work. With that perspective, we can then understand that our success is defined and built in/through our Creator.
We then build on this lesson with the concept of poise. Poise is often thought of as being calm or self assured. But poise can be defined simply by "just being yourself." Remember, God created you in an amazing and wonderful way. Learning to live in daily belief of who God has created you to be, will always lead to living in a spirit of calmness, becoming the best you can be, and facing difficult or anxious moments with self control.
The last part of our camp verse for the week leads us to the final concept of living in confidence. Unfortunately our world celebrates arrogance and self confidence. In many arenas, people are promoting themselves every chance they get. But when we look at the last part of the passage above, it says, "I know this very well." Knowing is not just head knowledge or a hopeful thought. It is a daily surrender to believe that you are amazing because of the image in which you have been created -God's. While our athletes are preparing themselves for on field success through drills and skills this week, we also want them to know that it is God who has equipped them for life and Godliness. Because of His plan for each our lives we are able to live in confidence each day.
When we live in God's perspective and understanding of who we are and the potential that is within each of us, we then can become the person or athlete we want to be. Remember, it's confidence in God and His work in us, rather than ourselves.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Making Time for Conversation
Recently I was reading ESPN the Magazine. In each issue they have a professional athlete that writes particular stories about life in the professional sports world. This past article was about the on field conversations that take place throughout a baseball game.
For most of us, we see and hear the umpires, the crack of the bats, the sound of vendors barking sales, gloves popping, and reactions from both players and fans. It's part of the thrill of the game. But for major league players, there is another element taking place: the on field conversation. While these players know each other, they rarely have time to spend with each other. So, while playing against one another, it's catch up time. The conversations that happen on the field and in between innings consist of wishing each other luck in the next series, critiquing the pitchers, how funny someone looks in a uniform or acting in a commercial. One player wished the base runner good luck just prior to yelling out, "Running" before the steal. And of course, there are the third party conversations between player, bat boy, and fan that even take place. Who would have thought that while the average fan is locked into the atmosphere of the game, it's the players time to communicate with each other.
So, who are we talking to and what about? Everyday we cross paths with people we work with, people we do not know, and people who our in our lives at the start and conclusion of each day (family). And it seems we have gotten so busy with our schedules that our conversations have slowed down. Creating opportunities for conversation has become more of an art form than a past time at the local market or dinner table.
Having and developing relationships is important. Christ lived His life conversing with others about their lives and His. He found ways to engage them and talk about everyday experiences while communicating His love with them. As you go about your day, look for ways to communicate with people. It's not always going to be the long conversations, but rather the one minute impacting ones. The scripture speaks about the person who speaks a word of encouragement, speaks truth in love, and whose words add salt to the conversation. Be a person of communication. Listen to those talking, engage others around you, and share a word of encouragement through Christ's love.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Graduation # 1
This weekend I will be celebrating the first high school graduation of our family. My son Tyler has completed (I hope no last minute surprises) his 12 years of education. Several interesting facts about his 12 years are that he has lived in two different countries (spoke English, Arabic, French), two different states, seven different school systems and eleven different homes.
In watching him prepare for graduation, I found myself reflecting back to my high school graduation. As the years have passed I can not really remember the feelings or emotions I had on that last week of school or graduation night. So I decided to look back at both our achievements and compare. What I found was this:
Things in common between us:
Although our achievements may be somewhat different, I am still two more degrees up on you!
(In time I am sure you will pass this as well)
In watching him prepare for graduation, I found myself reflecting back to my high school graduation. As the years have passed I can not really remember the feelings or emotions I had on that last week of school or graduation night. So I decided to look back at both our achievements and compare. What I found was this:
Things in common between us:
- A High School Diploma
- Accepted in to college (Chowan College for me and George Mason Univ. for Tyler)
- Hanover Scholar
- 4.1 Grade Point Average
- Principles Service Award
- National Honor Society
- Weighted Internship TV 99
Although our achievements may be somewhat different, I am still two more degrees up on you!
(In time I am sure you will pass this as well)
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Have Fun Go Nuts

The buzz phrase at The Diamond is: Have Fun Go Nuts! The Richmond Flying Squirrels continue to promote themselves in a positive manner and reinforce family and baseball as a winning combination.
Last night I had the opportunity to head to the Diamond to see the Squirrels play the Double A Mets. Myself and youngest son Brendan were invited to join Renton Arkesteyn and his son Caleb. Caleb and Brendan are the same age and will be playing fall ball together in September.
The night started out with a free Inaugural Baseball and an invitation for Brendan and Caleb to play a middle inning game on the field. We then headed to the picnic area for a full buffet of hot dogs/burgers/ribs/drinks/and salad.
At the fifth inning, the kids headed down to the field to get ready for their game. Caleb on the first base line and Brendan on the third. With the fans cheering, they raced back and forth building a pizza. From putting out the crust, to laying on the cheese and pepperoni. In great stride they finished strong and each given a Ledo pizza to enjoy. We then headed back to our seats next to the Mets bullpen and they worked tirelessly in gaining the attention of future Major League players. By the end of the night, they both received a legit Eastern league baseball that was used on the field of play.
What a night for us fathers at the ball park. To watch out kids dream about playing baseball, to seeing them on the field playing in the half inning game, to receiving a baseball from the players. It's what a night at the park should be. It was a night that allowed for Renton and I to have memories with our kids. And it was a night that the boys could Have Fun and Go Nuts!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
New Age Joshua's


While thinking about or trying to comprehend the concept of the Vuvuzelas, I couldn't help but think back and wonder what the people thought about Joshua and the horns of his people (Joshua 6:1 - 20). If the people of the world are irritated by cheering fans blowing horns, what was the level of irritation when Joshua's peeps started to blow their trumpets for a victory at Jericho? Even I asked the question during the USA / England match, "what's up with these buzzing horns in the background? They are going to do what?" Certainly that was the same thought people had when Joshua gave instruction for the them to shout and sound the trumpets. The result was a wall falling down for a victory. God was glorified.
While I am not sure the Vuvuzelas will guarantee a victory for any team, it is safe to say they have grabbed our attention. Whether you like them or not, they have created a buuzzzzzzzz.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Pilates and Ellipticals Grow
In a recent Club Industry report (research through Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association), continued growth in the area of use for Pilates and Ellipticals topped the scale. While many other fitness areas have grown over the last ten years, none more than these two.
Pilates offers people a great group fitness experience and allows you to work and develop at your own pace. The Elliptical is another example of how training through appropriate technology can bring many people into an active lifestyle.
On the list of other fitness areas in highest to lowest ranking were:
Pilates offers people a great group fitness experience and allows you to work and develop at your own pace. The Elliptical is another example of how training through appropriate technology can bring many people into an active lifestyle.
On the list of other fitness areas in highest to lowest ranking were:
- walking for fitness
- bowling for fitness
- treadmill for fitness
- free weights for fitness
- running/jogging for fitness
- weight resistance / stretching
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Well Done, Coach

Well Done, Coach
Taken from FCA daily devotion
““For a day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere.” ”
--Psalm 84:10
While talking with his son, John Wooden told him that he needed to shave because he was going to see his bride very soon. The basketball coaching legend knew his final breath was coming, and he wanted to be ready to meet his Maker and his wife. Going home to glory at the age of 99, Wooden left an example for all coaches, no matter what the sport, to follow. NBA great Jerry West said, “He did not have two sets of rules for his players…they all played under the same rules.” Wooden was true to his faith in Christ, true to his family, and true to his fundamentals of life, which had been taught to him by his parents back in Indiana so many years ago.
As great a coach as Wooden was on this earth, and as many titles and trophies he won, I have no doubt that he would have traded them for a single day in the presence of the Lord. I’m sure that even the greatest feeling of a national title was nothing compared to the moment when Wooden met Christ face-to-face. Coach knew that Heaven, not Westwood, was not his true home. He lived a simple life and passed it on to many. He held seven personal “keys to life,” and followed them closely. They included…
- Be true to yourself.
- Help others.
- Make each day your masterpiece.
- Drink deeply from good books, especially the Bible.
- Make friendship a fine art.
- Build a shelter against a rainy day.
- Pray for guidance and give thanks for your blessings every day.
Sports Spectrum Radio
Just had a great opportunity for a radio interview with Bill Houston. Bill hosts the national radio program for Sports Spectrum Radio out of Grand Rapids Michigan. Sports Spectrum Radio has been impacting our culture for over 20 years and airs over 200 stations. They are in partnership with RBC Ministries and produce devotionals such as Our Daily Bread.
The topic of discussion for this particular interview was sportsmanship. While sportsmanship is an ongoing teaching process for all people (kids to adults), it is part of the discipleship process we use in our Recreation Ministry. In the interview we discussed the role of a coach in teaching sportsmanship and the responsibility we have as a league to instill those principles. A key biblical verse we teach our participants is 1 Corinthians 10:31, "Whether you eat or drink, do all for the glory of God." In all our actions, our practices/games, in how we play (by the rules or cheat), we need to do so from God's perspective and His glory to others. Sportsmanship covers a variety of circumstances that occur naturally or by freak of circumstance. In either instance, our response needs to be consistent. See blog entitled Perfect Sportsmanship a few days back.
The interview will air on August 7th online at and also in various Virginia cities (Ashland and Chesapeake are included). Check out for a specific FM or AM station in your area to hear the interview.
Also, bookmark and as a favorite sport website. They have great articles and interviews with local, collegiate, and professional athletes.
The topic of discussion for this particular interview was sportsmanship. While sportsmanship is an ongoing teaching process for all people (kids to adults), it is part of the discipleship process we use in our Recreation Ministry. In the interview we discussed the role of a coach in teaching sportsmanship and the responsibility we have as a league to instill those principles. A key biblical verse we teach our participants is 1 Corinthians 10:31, "Whether you eat or drink, do all for the glory of God." In all our actions, our practices/games, in how we play (by the rules or cheat), we need to do so from God's perspective and His glory to others. Sportsmanship covers a variety of circumstances that occur naturally or by freak of circumstance. In either instance, our response needs to be consistent. See blog entitled Perfect Sportsmanship a few days back.
The interview will air on August 7th online at and also in various Virginia cities (Ashland and Chesapeake are included). Check out for a specific FM or AM station in your area to hear the interview.
Also, bookmark and as a favorite sport website. They have great articles and interviews with local, collegiate, and professional athletes.
Friday, June 04, 2010
The Second Act
Starting this Sunday, my wife Kelly and I will be teaching with Scott/Karla Allen, Andy/Anji Lacatell, and Steve/Emily Jones in a new community called The Second Act.
This group will consist of those fresh out of High School, currently in college, young adults, and newly married couples. We are looking forward to connecting with them as they enter in or are currently in the second phase of their lives. Through lessons we have learned, it is our desire to walk with them and facilitate/create an environment that fosters community and spiritual growth.
We will look first at Acts 2 for what real community consists of and then proceed through the book of Galatians for an in depth study of Grace.
This group will consist of those fresh out of High School, currently in college, young adults, and newly married couples. We are looking forward to connecting with them as they enter in or are currently in the second phase of their lives. Through lessons we have learned, it is our desire to walk with them and facilitate/create an environment that fosters community and spiritual growth.
We will look first at Acts 2 for what real community consists of and then proceed through the book of Galatians for an in depth study of Grace.
National Donut Day
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Perfect Sportsmanship
The baseball nation was poised to witness history last night with the potential "perfect game" in sight for Detroit Tigers pitcher Armanda Gallaraga. After retiring 26 consecutive outs, the potential final out of the game was ruled safe at first by umpire Jim Joyce. What was clearly a missed called, and admitted missed after the game by Joyce, halted Gallarage from being the 21st pitcher in baseball history to record a perfect game. Though the Detroit Tigers would defeat the Cincinnati Reds 3-0, the spirit of loosing the perfect game was another blow to a struggling town.
In the midst of great disappointment for baseball fans (as well as Jim Joyce), one thing stood out to me as I watched the event unfold. From the one who should have been bothered the most, the pitcher, the nation witnessed sportsmanship at its best. Gallaraga, though I am sure disappointed, responded with respect for authority on the call that was made and refused to make any comment on the umpire in after game interviews. Sure, he could have rightfully blamed Jim Joyce for blowing history (as most of us did in the moment), but he made a choice to celebrate the great performance he had and accept the way in which the game was played.
Sportsmanship is and should be the standard by which we participate in any recreational or professional sporting event. Sportsmanship involves the following:
In the midst of great disappointment for baseball fans (as well as Jim Joyce), one thing stood out to me as I watched the event unfold. From the one who should have been bothered the most, the pitcher, the nation witnessed sportsmanship at its best. Gallaraga, though I am sure disappointed, responded with respect for authority on the call that was made and refused to make any comment on the umpire in after game interviews. Sure, he could have rightfully blamed Jim Joyce for blowing history (as most of us did in the moment), but he made a choice to celebrate the great performance he had and accept the way in which the game was played.
Sportsmanship is and should be the standard by which we participate in any recreational or professional sporting event. Sportsmanship involves the following:
- respecting the game - rules, coaches, umpires, fans, and others participating
- playing by the rules - removing any cheating or shortcuts
- playing your best - do the best you can despite what occurs during the contest, it's not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game
- being proactive and not reactive - doing your part to represent sportsmanship in light of circumstantial issues within a contest
- demonstrating a healthy competitive spirit with self restraint - play hard with self control, refusing silly fouls, penalties, and self promotion
Wednesday, June 02, 2010
Take Your Best Shot
I just finished the book entitled Take Your Best Shot by Austin Gutwen. In 2004 Austin was nine years old and set out on a journey that would touch the lives of children throughout the world. His passionate desire to raise funds for AIDS victims living in Africa was achieved through 2,057 free throw shots on a local basketball court. Austin took one simple video, a round ball, and turned it into what is now known as "Hoops of Hope" with events held in over seventeen countries and over one million dollars raised to impact kids through basketball each year on World AIDS Awareness Day.
Austin's message to the reader: "God wants to use you."
Throughout each chapter, Austin lays out some great truths of God and God's desire to use each person for His kingdom while on earth. This book is not only applicable to the teenager who may be struggling with a purpose and passion, but it is a great reminder to adults that God desires us to be challenged and stretched in our Christian work.
A couple of key points I picked up:
* A passion for someone always begins with a broken heart. It was a broken heart and a sacrificed son that provided us salvation through Christ. It was a broken heart for kids living in Africa with AIDS that led to the dream and vision of "Hoops of Hope."
* Maggie Moments are critical. For Austin, Maggie was the first person introduced to him that created a moment of concern and passion. Can we see a face in need? Are we experiencing Maggie Moments in our lives for people or places in desperation?
*Everybody lives for something and dies someday. What are we living for? What if we would give to others as much as we give to ourselves.
*It's all a matter of focus. If we focus on what we do, it becomes all about us. If we focus on who we are, then it suddenly becomes about God.
*It depends how available we are if we make a difference or not. Choosing to be available will allow for God to work through you in greater ways.
*Key to Life: Loving God, ourselves, and others will open the door to life as God intends (Matthew 22:37-38).
*Discover your passion and live in it.
*Making a difference in contagious.
Check out for more info.
Thanks to a good friend and fellow laborer in recreation ministry Ed Berenson for giving me this book to read and explore. Ed lives in passion for making a difference. If you don't know out..his contagious.
Austin's message to the reader: "God wants to use you."
Throughout each chapter, Austin lays out some great truths of God and God's desire to use each person for His kingdom while on earth. This book is not only applicable to the teenager who may be struggling with a purpose and passion, but it is a great reminder to adults that God desires us to be challenged and stretched in our Christian work.
A couple of key points I picked up:
* A passion for someone always begins with a broken heart. It was a broken heart and a sacrificed son that provided us salvation through Christ. It was a broken heart for kids living in Africa with AIDS that led to the dream and vision of "Hoops of Hope."
* Maggie Moments are critical. For Austin, Maggie was the first person introduced to him that created a moment of concern and passion. Can we see a face in need? Are we experiencing Maggie Moments in our lives for people or places in desperation?
*Everybody lives for something and dies someday. What are we living for? What if we would give to others as much as we give to ourselves.
*It's all a matter of focus. If we focus on what we do, it becomes all about us. If we focus on who we are, then it suddenly becomes about God.
*It depends how available we are if we make a difference or not. Choosing to be available will allow for God to work through you in greater ways.
*Key to Life: Loving God, ourselves, and others will open the door to life as God intends (Matthew 22:37-38).
*Discover your passion and live in it.
*Making a difference in contagious.
Check out for more info.
Thanks to a good friend and fellow laborer in recreation ministry Ed Berenson for giving me this book to read and explore. Ed lives in passion for making a difference. If you don't know out..his contagious.
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
Extraodinary with the Ordinary
Just returned from our basketball trip to Halifax, Nova Scotia. And I am simply amazed.
Once again God was faithful in our travels, our camp work, and to Himself. After arriving safely in Halifax and getting settled with a fresh lobster meal ($5 a pound!), we started off with some praise and worship for the week. Then it was preparation time Monday morning for what would be ahead of us in terms of opportunity and basketball camp details.
Our desire throughout the week was to be able to connect with the local community while we were out and about (mainly at Tim Horton's coffee shop - it's where all the locals go. And no I am not addicted, just committed) and to provide a basketball camp atmosphere that fostered fundamentals, positive reinforcement, and spiritual truth through team huddles and building blocks of character as represented in the scriptures. We also hosted a class for parents discussing the culture of sports and their child's involvement in it.
I must admit the response we received from the camp was somewhat shocking. Last year after the camp we received some negative feedback in terms of sharing the gospel. This year we found more parents and children receptive to the love reflected through our coaches and the verbal witness of Christ. I believe this change occurred over the past year due to the effort in which Living Hope Community put forth in hosting a winter basketball league and building relationships. The people of Halifax have now seen and heard the message of Christ. And because of that love they have opened up to a new trust level that allowed for us to return and go deeper with a different response. The reminder of this in terms of a missions perspective is that it's about relationships! It's about partnering and working together with a commitment to a community for more than one "trip."
Another moment of shock for me was that despite the fact that Living Hope only has 40 active members, they actually pulled off hosting and developing a league that was affective for their community. Within this group of folks there is not athletic directors, former college or high school basketball players, and even recreation ministers. They are just different people from different backgrounds with a desire to be different in their community. From a biblical view, they are ordinary people doing extraordinary things because they yielded themselves to a God sized challenge. All I could do was sit back and chuckle at how God works.
As I return and reflect on this trip and how it has impacted my life, there are two key points:
Once again God was faithful in our travels, our camp work, and to Himself. After arriving safely in Halifax and getting settled with a fresh lobster meal ($5 a pound!), we started off with some praise and worship for the week. Then it was preparation time Monday morning for what would be ahead of us in terms of opportunity and basketball camp details.
Our desire throughout the week was to be able to connect with the local community while we were out and about (mainly at Tim Horton's coffee shop - it's where all the locals go. And no I am not addicted, just committed) and to provide a basketball camp atmosphere that fostered fundamentals, positive reinforcement, and spiritual truth through team huddles and building blocks of character as represented in the scriptures. We also hosted a class for parents discussing the culture of sports and their child's involvement in it.
I must admit the response we received from the camp was somewhat shocking. Last year after the camp we received some negative feedback in terms of sharing the gospel. This year we found more parents and children receptive to the love reflected through our coaches and the verbal witness of Christ. I believe this change occurred over the past year due to the effort in which Living Hope Community put forth in hosting a winter basketball league and building relationships. The people of Halifax have now seen and heard the message of Christ. And because of that love they have opened up to a new trust level that allowed for us to return and go deeper with a different response. The reminder of this in terms of a missions perspective is that it's about relationships! It's about partnering and working together with a commitment to a community for more than one "trip."
Another moment of shock for me was that despite the fact that Living Hope only has 40 active members, they actually pulled off hosting and developing a league that was affective for their community. Within this group of folks there is not athletic directors, former college or high school basketball players, and even recreation ministers. They are just different people from different backgrounds with a desire to be different in their community. From a biblical view, they are ordinary people doing extraordinary things because they yielded themselves to a God sized challenge. All I could do was sit back and chuckle at how God works.
As I return and reflect on this trip and how it has impacted my life, there are two key points:
- Make and continue to build relationships. Have a genuine interest in people and what makes their world go round.
- God uses ordinary people for extraordinary purposes.
Friday, May 21, 2010
This weekend I will be traveling with six others to Halifax, Nova Scotia to assist Living Hope Community Church in a basketball camp.
One year ago we established this partnership with Living Hope. And from the beginning we set out to MAWL. No, we will not mawl them in a physical way, but rather in a spiritual way as they seek to use recreation to impact their community. The word MAWL stands for Model, Assist, Watch, and Leave. We have led a camp in their community, taught coaches training, and had their pastor visit our site during our season. Now we are moving into the assisting process. This week our team will be assisting local coaches from their church in hosting an instructional basketball camp. We will also be teaching seminars for parents on the topic "Parent Survival in the World of Sports." The assisting process is good because it is the giving over or giving away that which God has provided. It is the time in which Living Hope takes ownership and development for the future of their recreation ministry using basketball. Though it's sports, it's a New Testament church planting process.
I look forward to sharing with you about trip on our return the first week in June. If I get the chance and get to a computer, I will put a few thoughts down regarding our week.
One year ago we established this partnership with Living Hope. And from the beginning we set out to MAWL. No, we will not mawl them in a physical way, but rather in a spiritual way as they seek to use recreation to impact their community. The word MAWL stands for Model, Assist, Watch, and Leave. We have led a camp in their community, taught coaches training, and had their pastor visit our site during our season. Now we are moving into the assisting process. This week our team will be assisting local coaches from their church in hosting an instructional basketball camp. We will also be teaching seminars for parents on the topic "Parent Survival in the World of Sports." The assisting process is good because it is the giving over or giving away that which God has provided. It is the time in which Living Hope takes ownership and development for the future of their recreation ministry using basketball. Though it's sports, it's a New Testament church planting process.
I look forward to sharing with you about trip on our return the first week in June. If I get the chance and get to a computer, I will put a few thoughts down regarding our week.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
All for One
There's nothing like a good compliment from your surrounding community. Last week an article entitled All for One: Cool Spring Baptist Offers Recreation for One Dollar was published in the Atlee High School newspaper.
Prior to the article being published, I received a phone call regarding doing a story for the school newspaper. While I thought that would be a great way for community awareness, I had to ask, why? The student reporter then explained to me that "many students loved coming to the Rec Center after school (I know they come) and everyone talks about the Rec Center, so, we decided we better write about it." What a compliment! And more importantly, what an opportunity! This article teaches several points. First, when you offer good impressions and quality experiences, people will respond to them. I love the fact that the students in our community are talking about us! Secondly, it's these impressions that always opens the door for spiritual investment. Many times our Rec Staff and Volunteers have the opportunity to talk with them about life issues and choices that are impacting them. This is scene throughout he scriptures. Jesus himself would deal with the physical issues that would lead to spiritual issues.
One of the ways in which we are looking at impact is through student recreation. While the Rec Center offers open gym hours and weight room / game room options, we are moving more in the direction of focused recreation for the purpose of connection - connection with others and connection with Christ. This summer on Mondays we will be offering Trib3L (pronounced tribal - it's a student thing) Games in cooperation with our TRIB3 Student Ministry. Games will include a variety of fun and challenging non-traditional sports. The rec league will begin in July. Make your plans to GO TRIB3L!
Prior to the article being published, I received a phone call regarding doing a story for the school newspaper. While I thought that would be a great way for community awareness, I had to ask, why? The student reporter then explained to me that "many students loved coming to the Rec Center after school (I know they come) and everyone talks about the Rec Center, so, we decided we better write about it." What a compliment! And more importantly, what an opportunity! This article teaches several points. First, when you offer good impressions and quality experiences, people will respond to them. I love the fact that the students in our community are talking about us! Secondly, it's these impressions that always opens the door for spiritual investment. Many times our Rec Staff and Volunteers have the opportunity to talk with them about life issues and choices that are impacting them. This is scene throughout he scriptures. Jesus himself would deal with the physical issues that would lead to spiritual issues.
One of the ways in which we are looking at impact is through student recreation. While the Rec Center offers open gym hours and weight room / game room options, we are moving more in the direction of focused recreation for the purpose of connection - connection with others and connection with Christ. This summer on Mondays we will be offering Trib3L (pronounced tribal - it's a student thing) Games in cooperation with our TRIB3 Student Ministry. Games will include a variety of fun and challenging non-traditional sports. The rec league will begin in July. Make your plans to GO TRIB3L!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
God Working Depsite Being Behind
Well.........I'm behind (obviously as I have not posted in a few days). Getting behind seems to be the thing to do in our culture. It makes us sound busy, and for a lot of us we are, and it makes us feel important. It's as though when we are not behind, we are not being productive.
However, getting behind is a killer on us as individuals, parents, spouses, and even friends. I am not one who likes to be behind or piled high in projects. But often times I find myself in this position - behind in preparations or piled high beneath sports and rec administration and ministry opportunities.
In the midst of being behind though, God has been putting new opportunities before me in terms of maximizing our facility for new impactful sports ministries. I have been meeting with people for further development of our fitness / cardio area, starting a Sports Performance Training Ministry for ages 10 and up, and working with another local church in expanding our Upward ministry in Hanover County. As I continue to see and shape the future for recreation ministry, I often wrestle through these new phases. But, I love it when God brings people into my life that are passionate and gifted in working in these areas. Praise God for using people as a vessel for establishing His Kingdom on earth.
Stay connected to the Recreation Ministry of Cool Spring and look for details of these opportunities to come.
However, getting behind is a killer on us as individuals, parents, spouses, and even friends. I am not one who likes to be behind or piled high in projects. But often times I find myself in this position - behind in preparations or piled high beneath sports and rec administration and ministry opportunities.
In the midst of being behind though, God has been putting new opportunities before me in terms of maximizing our facility for new impactful sports ministries. I have been meeting with people for further development of our fitness / cardio area, starting a Sports Performance Training Ministry for ages 10 and up, and working with another local church in expanding our Upward ministry in Hanover County. As I continue to see and shape the future for recreation ministry, I often wrestle through these new phases. But, I love it when God brings people into my life that are passionate and gifted in working in these areas. Praise God for using people as a vessel for establishing His Kingdom on earth.
Stay connected to the Recreation Ministry of Cool Spring and look for details of these opportunities to come.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Now Serving...
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Summer Camps - Sign Up Now
It's time to sign up for Summer Camps through the Cool Spring Rec Center. We have several camps this summer you will want to be a part of.
Flag Football Camp - June 22 - 24
Rising 1 st graders - 5th grade
Located at the fields of New Hanover Presb.
Cost is $40 NOW
6:15 PM - 8:15 PM
Camp Shirt included with specialized instruction and scrimmages
Sign up online through
Boys Basketball Camp - July 19-22
Ages 7 - 15
Located at the Cool Spring Rec Center
Cost is $100 / after June 30 $125
8 AM - 3 PM
Camp will include conditioning exercises and basketball skill development
Camp shirt included with specialized instruction
Sign up online through
Girls Basketball Camp - July 26-29
Ages 7 - 15
Located at the Cool Spring Rec Center
Cost is $100 / after June 30 $125
8 AM - 3 PM
Camp shirt included with specialized instruction
Camp will include conditioning exercises and basketball skill development
Sign up online through
Boys & Girls Summer Ultra - Sports Camp - August 2-5
Rising 1st - 5th grade
Located at the Cool Spring Rec Center
Cost is $140
8:30 AM - 3 PM
Camp shirt included
Camp will introduce kids to a variety of sports
Sign up online through
Flag Football Camp - June 22 - 24
Rising 1 st graders - 5th grade
Located at the fields of New Hanover Presb.
Cost is $40 NOW
6:15 PM - 8:15 PM
Camp Shirt included with specialized instruction and scrimmages
Sign up online through
Boys Basketball Camp - July 19-22
Ages 7 - 15
Located at the Cool Spring Rec Center
Cost is $100 / after June 30 $125
8 AM - 3 PM
Camp will include conditioning exercises and basketball skill development
Camp shirt included with specialized instruction
Sign up online through
Girls Basketball Camp - July 26-29
Ages 7 - 15
Located at the Cool Spring Rec Center
Cost is $100 / after June 30 $125
8 AM - 3 PM
Camp shirt included with specialized instruction
Camp will include conditioning exercises and basketball skill development
Sign up online through
Boys & Girls Summer Ultra - Sports Camp - August 2-5
Rising 1st - 5th grade
Located at the Cool Spring Rec Center
Cost is $140
8:30 AM - 3 PM
Camp shirt included
Camp will introduce kids to a variety of sports
Sign up online through
Monday, May 10, 2010
Picture on the Course
I had the opportunity to play golf on Friday with some of our new Upward Sports Ministry leaders. It was a great day for golf in terms of weather and I didn't strike the ball to bad.
These outings are always great. It provides an atmosphere of fun and self-competition as well allows us focused time to talk about what is ahead for our Upward Sports seasons. During this round, we talked about Flag Football and Challenger Basketball. I love to hear new ideas and watch them develop over time. You can't beat enthusiastic volunteers (although sometimes you have to contain them).
Golf provides a lot of great lessons. From integrity, character, and honesty. But on this day, the greatest lesson was reminded to me on the number 9 green as I was putting for par. Lining up my putt required me to look ahead of the hole in order to read the green. Just as I did, a picture became words. Behind the green there was Ivy growing on a telephone pole in the form of Christ on the cross with a backdrop of a white house with one painted red door. As I continued to look at this backdrop the thoughts of Christ hanging on the cross for me came to my mind. Also, the red painted door represented his blood stain for me and the white house created the image of purity. What a picture and image.
I have included the photo for your viewing and reflection. It always amazes me to be reminded of Christ love throughout the day in a variety of ways. This reminder occurred to me on the 9 th hole. Who says God isn't about golf!
Thursday, May 06, 2010
A Day at the Fields
Today was a baseball kind of day! The weather was perfect and the time spent with friends, co workers, and family was great.
Started this morning out at The Diamond to participate in Education Day. First pitch was thrown at 10:35 AM. What a way to start your day. I had the opportunity to go see the Richmond Flying Squirrels play the Altoona Curve with my associate Steve Rowe and Rec Desk Volunteer Bob Roza. The seats were great and oh what a game. I really enjoy watching baseball. In fact, I even keep my own scorecard while watching the games. Any 9 inning baseball game is good, but what's even better is FREE BASEBALL. By "free baseball" I mean extra innings. Today we went 11 innings and defeated the Altoona Curve 2-1 in the bottom of the 11th. Squirrels are having a great season and an awesome record at home. If you haven't been down to the stadium, check out the Squirrels. It's family fun and good baseball -
Tonight I headed out to Mechanicsville Little League to see my youngest play. He had opportunities to play center field, short-stop, and third base. He had a great night at the plate going 2 for 2 with a home run to right and double up the middle (Dad was proud). The coach gave him a nice surprise to be the closing pitcher and he struck out the last batter for a 9-6 win against an undefeated team. Another great game played by all the MLL Blue Jays.
Aaah...a day spent in America's Past-time. I guess I will have to come back to reality of everyday life tonight as I prepare for my round of golf in the morning with some Upward Volunteers. Remember, it's all about relationships and Playing 4 Him.
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